Koji Sato
Career Profile
Koji Sato has approximately 12 years of professional experience in advising companies on M&A, capital restructure, group reorganizations and various cross-border transactions in Deloitte and EY. He has served a number of multinational companies and private equity funds, including leading companies in pharmaceutical, electronics and telecommunication industries. He was seconded to Hong Kong Office of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu for two years from July 2012 to June 2014. Prior to joining a tax professional industry, he had worked for Sumitomo Corporation, one of major conglomerates in Japan.
Bachelor of Economics, the University of Tokyo, Japan (1998-2002)
Professional Affiliations
Member of the Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Japanese, English
Qian Li
Career Profile
More than 10 years’ experiences in providing MNCs including Japanese companies with advice on China Tax, Hong Kong Tax, M&A Tax, and Investments etc. by working in different offices of Big 4 CPA firms, including China mainland, Japan and Hong Kong. Seconded to International Operation of Deloitte Osaka, Japan for 18 months to provide M&A advisory to listed Japan MNCs for their outbound investment to Asia Pacific. Developed solid skills in dealing with issues of China Tax, foreign exchange and Customs, and have hands-on experience of providing tax consulting on Hong Kong and other Asia Pacific countries.
Professional Affiliations
PRC Certified Tax Agent
Native speaker in Cantonese and Mandarin, fluent in Japanese and English